Biddenden Parish Magazine
To take out an annual subscription to the Biddenden parish, please click on the Subscribe button below. This will take you to Paypal, where you will be invited to enter your payment details.
PLEASE NOTE: This subscription will automatically renew annually and there is no need to click this link again in future.
Due to website maintenance issues, please
do not use this subscription service until 1st
October 2024.
Editor: Paul Webster, 17, The Meadows, Biddenden
tel. 01580 292161
Advertising: Anne Webster
tel: 01580 292161
Quartery Magazine Distribution: Chris Lang
tel: 07860 968646
8 Monthly Subscription Based Distribution: Anne Webster
tel: 07932 728244 (leave voicemail)
This monthly magazine covers publishes news and events concerning the whole village, as well as a digest of the minutes of Biddenden Parish Council.
Please send copy to the editor. Get material to the editor by the 10th of the month, to have a good chance of getting it included for the following month. The absolute deadline is the 13th of the month.
Most issues are available on subscription or to buy from the Post Office. Four times a year the magazine is paid for by Biddenden Parish Council: these quarterly issues are distributed free to every household in the parish.