Friends of Smarden Church (FOSC)
Last Updated on January 7, 2025 by admin
Affectionately known as FOSC, Friends of Smarden Church is a secular organisation set up in 1995 to help with the maintenance of the fabric of the church. The beautiful Parish Church of St Michael is Smarden`s oldest historic building and right in the heart of the village and FOSC welcomes people of all faiths or none, residents or from outside, who would like to contribute in any way to keeping it in good repair.
FOSC holds a variety of fund-raising events every year including a Summer Drinks party, quizzes and other events. Money is also raised from annual subscriptions and legacies.
The current trustees are:
Chairman: Diana Steele 01233 770695
Hon Treasurer: Stuart McLeish 01233 556912 stuartmcleish at
Hon Secretary: Melanie Marden 01233 770182 roscreek at
(For email address, please substitute ” at ” with @, removing the spaces. We have to present email addresses in this way to prevent unnecessary SPAM mail.)
Please contact one of the above if you would like to become a member or participate in future events. The minimum annual subscription is £10.00. FOSC operates with no overheads and all proceeds and profits from events go towards the Church fabric. We are currently raising money for repairs to the roof.
For details of events and further information go to our website:
Visit the FOSC website at